Alleluia! Christ Is Risen!

Worship with us Easter Sunday, April 20, at 8 AM and 10 AM as we shout and sing our praises for the one who brings life from death and whose love transforms the world.
Enter Into The Story of Jesus' Final Days
We have opportunities to worship together throughout Holy Week.
Palm Sunday
9:30am Worship Begins Outdoors

Join us at 9:30 AM for a worship service that focuses on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and our response of “Hosanna!” This year our youth will help tell the story and lead our procession with some special music.

Maundy Thursday
Agape Feast Worship at 6:30p

We remember the story of Jesus’ final meal with his disciples (John 13:1-17, 31-35) where he washes the disciples’ feet and shares his very body with them as he gives a new commandment that his followers should love one another just as he has loved them. As part of this worship service we will share a meal together around one large table and have an opportunity to participate in footwashing.

Good Friday
Noon | 6:30p

Join us in person at Noon and in person or online at 6:30 PM for a Tenebrae worship service bringing us into the passion narrative. There will also be self-guided prayer stations for the Stations of the Cross set up in our Narthex throughout the day.

Easter Sunday
April 20 at 8am & 10am

On our way to the tomb, we are surprised to find it empty, as God brings life from death and our only response is “Alleluia! Christ is risen!”

We have two opportunities to worship together in-person: 8 AM sunrise and 10 AM in our sanctuary. The 10am service will also be livestreamed. Plan to hang around for a few minutes after worship as we continue our resurrection celebration with some fellowship and refreshments.