Organizing for Mission
Revisioning how we live God's love

In October of 2022 we began a process of revising our organizational structure in order to do ministry in a way that is faithful, adaptive, sustainable, and is ready to grow with us in the months and years ahead. This process is ongoing as we try and live into new ministry teams in a changed and changing context rooted in the good news of God's boundless love for the world in Jesus Christ.

Ministry Team Descriptions (updated 6.4.23) Lead Minister Description (updated 6.4.23)


October 2022 - from Council as heads of committees to Council members at large

January 2023 - listening to one another about what God is telling us is most important

June 2023 - Sharing a vision of Ministry Teams

August/September 2023 - Ministry Teams hold their first meetings

Every Member a Minister
We all have a calling and vocation.

By shifting from a structure of committees and committee chairs to ministry teams and lead ministers we remember that all of us have been called, equipped, and sent by the Holy Spirit. We are all ministers of the gospel sharing the good news of God's redeeming love in word and deed, participating in God's mission of forgiveness, reconciliation, love and life for the world.

January 29, 2023 Event Recap
Every Neighbor Beloved
Everyone is created in God's image.

God creates every person in God’s own image. This means they are worthy of dignity, honor, respect, and enough resources and love to live life to the full. Jesus shows us time and time again that our definition of neighbor is too small when it does not include everyone. We are called to love our neighbor and help remind them they are beloved bearers of God’s own image loved by us and by God. 

Video Series Highlighting Our Organizational Structure Changes

We have put together a series of short videos detailing our new organizational structure and what it means for our congregation as well as some reminders about why we're doing this. First, President Jennifer Pratt shares why we're making these changes.

Introducing Our Five Ministry Teams

Pastor Drew shares what our five ministry teams are and their purpose.

Language Matters: From Committees to Ministry Teams

Vice President John McCarroll shares why we are changing from committees to ministry teams.

Council's Role in the New Structure

President Jennifer Pratt shares how council functions in this new structure.

How will the Teams Operate?

Vice-President John McCarroll shares how we hope the teams function and develop as we live into this new structure.

What are the Next Steps?

Pastor Drew shares where we're going next and what we need to do to keep moving forward together?