Stewarding God's Gifts
Generosity is a Fruit of the Spirit

Stewardship is a fancy church word for talking about how we use the things God has first given us - ourselves, our time, our energy, our resources - to live God's love in the world. Generosity is a fruit of the Spirit and a mark of discipleship and we grow closer to God when we give to God. After all, Jesus tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be, also (Matthew 6:21). 

This page has resources to help you learn more and get inspired to elevate your stewardship journey and grow in generosity.

A Message from Pastor Drew

Pastor Drew invites you to commit to give and help us become a community of disciples where Every Member Is A Minister

Why Make a Commitment to Give?

There are many reasons theological, spiritual, and practical that we make pledges to give to our mission and ministry as a congregation.

What's in the Booklet?

Here's a brief overview of what you'll find in the Every Member A Minister PDF Booklet