Outreach and Service Opportunities
We know every neighbor is beloved. Our Outreach Ministries help us show and share God's love through serving one another.

The Outreach Team is one of our Ministry Teams. They coordinate opportunities to serve our community and neighbors through programs led by Christ Lutheran Church and others through our Ministry Partners. You can learn more about some of the opportunities to serve and the ministry taking place by exploring this page. And if you're interested in learning even more or ready to sign up, email outreach@clcgtn.org.

CLC Ministry Partners

We know God is at work not just through our congregation, but throughout our community. We serve alongside these and many others who are loving and serving our neighbors day in and day out.
The Caring Place provides for the basic human needs of all people in our Central Texas community in a welcoming, respectful and caring way.

There are many opportunities to be involved – Blue Barrel donations, monetary donations, thrift store, food pantry, client services.


Faith in Action assists older adults in navigating and integrating opportunities in our community that make living a fulfilled and independent life possible.

Volunteers are needed to provide transportation to medical appointments, grocery stores and various other errands.  This volunteer opportunity is very flexible and extremely rewarding. Volunteer drivers are scheduled online at your convenience.


Georgetown Backpack Buddies provides much needed food to food insecure children in the Georgetown school system for the weekend and school year months.

CLC has teams that meet every Thursday during the school year at the Old Carver School for packing and delivery.


As the senior nutrition program for Williamson and Burnet Counties, Meals on Wheels provides hot, nutritious noontime meals to local seniors in need Monday through Friday.

CLC volunteers deliver meals every nine weeks. In order to deliver MOW,  with our CLC teams, interested volunteers need to contact our CLC liaison to receive an application.


TRP’s primary goal is to provide free wheelchair ramps to low-income older adults and people with disabilities as identified by local health care providers.

CLC volunteers average one ramp build per month. All materials and tools are provided.


Days for Girls is an international non-profit organization that strives to ensure menstrual equity by providing sustainable feminine hygiene kits along with education and developing in-country social enterprises to those women who have no access.

Our local volunteers sew, assemble and ship kits to remote communities in Honduras. The local chapter meets the third Thursday of every month from 9-noon in the Foxhole.


Laundry Love is a nationwide volunteer initiative to provide free laundry services to economically disadvantaged people. Donations and volunteers are always welcome.

CLC volunteers assist with the laundry service at Skyline Laundry, Taylor, TX on the 2nd Tuesday from 12-2pm and the 4th Tuesday from 6-8pm.


The Georgetown Project NEST Empowerment Center is a safe haven after the bell rings that offers basic needs, counseling, academic and enrichment support for GISD high school students who are homeless, at-risk or living in transition.

CLC volunteers provide a meal once a month from August to May. Notice of when meal donations are needed is sent through all CLC communications. Sign up genius is provided to accept donations for the meal.


Helping Hands of Georgetown works to provide a hand up for those who are underserved by offering basic necessities including food, clothing, shelter, and financial aid assistance to those in need.

There are many ways to volunteer, from packing meals to serving them and more, which can be found on the website.


New Life Children’s Center is a service through Upbring, a Texas-wide organization implementing generational innovation to advance child wellbeing.

CLC provides 20 quilts per year and donates sheets, pillows and washcloths.


Camp Agape’s Summer Camp Program is a bereavement camp where children are guided through a therapeutic healing process.

CLC has supported Camp Agape through monetary donations and quilt donations. Many volunteer opportunities are available.


Lutheran World Relief Placeholder

School Supplies


Ministries Led by Christ Lutheran Church

We strive to be a congregation where every member is a minister and every neighbor is beloved. Here are a few ways we put that into practice.
Christ Lutheran Learning Center (CLLC) is a preschool for children ages 18 months through pre-kindergarten

For more than 40 years we have been serving families in our neighborhood with high quality childcare that helps them learn and grow in faith and love.

We want each child’s life to be built on the foundation of God’s love and care. Our spiritual goal for the children is that they feel the love of God through their positive experiences and interactions with others at the Learning Center.


CLC quilters meet weekly to assemble and tie quilts that bless people in our congregation, neighborhood, and across the world.

The quilts they make are given to a number of organizations – Lutheran World Relief, Camp Agape and the CLC Quilt Auction.  There are also special projects supported by the quilters – prayer pillows, Godly Play items, and special requests. Fabric donations are greatly appreciated.

Quilters meet Wednesday mornings 9-11am in the Red Room at CLC.

Holy Smokes! Our Pit Crew helps us enjoy good food and raise money for fantastic causes.

CLC sponsors a BBQ fundraiser four times per year.  Volunteers are always needed to help prepare the chickens and sausage and work at the BBQ pit.  Tickets are sold and donations are accepted.  Proceeds are distributed to various organizations.

Spring Carnival Placeholder
Trunk or Treat on October 31 from 6-8pm All are welcome! Food, carnival games, pumpkin patch, hayride, trick-or-treating & more!
Neighborhood School Supplies Placeholder
Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America)

CLC  has played an active role in scouting activities for both boys and girls. Troop 405 consists of five units that meet at CLC.  There are opportunities for both boys and girls of various ages and interests.